Design by aflehh: smart way to chose a phone.

1. check screen size first, at least chose 4 inch of screen size onwards.
2. check for resolution and color of screen and type of screen, it must be best available.
3. better to take a touch screen with no keypad attached.
4. check for user interface, select easy to use UI.
5. then what about battery, currently battery gives the same power how
much it is developed, it will take some couple of years to exist a battery with
new technology `charging by discharging`.
6. now we can check for audio quality.
7. we can check for camera pixels and quality.
8. important step to check operating system, better to chose computing os.
9. check for connectivity and generation of internet support.
10. 3G and 4G will be future compatible which is just coming.
11. now check for memory, due to high generation of connectivity, less requirement
for memory becouse everything becomes online service including HDTV.
12. check for video services like video conferencing etc.
13. check for RAM and processor,suitable RAM and processor must be available.
14. now we can check for other features like navigation, maps, security etc.
15. no need to check for weight.
16. check for other softwares and supporting files like documents, audio, video etc.
17 then check for price, with these options your price must be suitable.

future features:(a) many TV channels will be added on mobile network with HDTV and by TV output feature we will be able to watch TV on big screen by any connectivity like bluetooth or infrared or any other technology available.(b)we can be use our mobiles as CPU. a big screen will have only keyboard, mouse, speakers, and other peripherals or screen will be touch control but CPU will be replaced by mobile phones.

..........................many features to be added soon.........................
