
S .no                   Topic                                                                           page no
1.           Introduction Of the wings                                                     7
2.           Structure of the wing                                                                       9
3.           Types of wing configuration                                                 14
4.           Wing cross section                                                                     28
5.           Wing aerodynamics                                                                   30
6.          Conceptual design calculations                                                33
7.           Specification                                                                               39
8.           CAD modeling                                                                           42
9.           Conclusion                                                                                 43
10.          References                                                                                 44


The basic intent of this design project is to design an aircraft wing structure for a high subsonic trainer aircraft for the maximum speed of 0.8 Mach (1000kph). By identifying and studying the various types of wing structures, wing configuration, NACA 4 and 5 digit airfoils, supercritical airfoils and its performance parameters, the conceptual design is carried out. Therefore the results from the design calculation are taken to take the right airfoil (NACA 4408) and the wing geometries and parameters are determined.
With the input parameters, calculated results and necessary assumptions the CAD model of the wing structure is constructed using CATIA V5 R20. The CAD modeling of the wing structure constitutes the creation of individual structural members followed by assembly of each and every individual part.

A wing is a surface that produces lift for flight through the atmosphere—or occasionally through another gaseous or fluid substance. An artificial wing is called an airfoil, which always have a distinctive cross-sectional shape.
A wing's aerodynamic quality is expressed as its lift-to-drag ratio. The lift of a wing generates at a given speed and angle of attack can be one to two orders of magnitude greater than the total drag on the wing. A high lift-to-drag ratio requires a significantly smaller thrust to propel the wings through the air at sufficient lift.
The design and analysis of the wings of aircraft is one of the principal applications of the science of aerodynamics
For a wing to produce "lift", it must be oriented at a suitable angle of attack relative to the flow of air past the wing. When this occurs the wing deflects the airflow downwards, "turning" the air as it passes the wing. Since the wing exerts a force on the air to change its direction, the air must exert a force on the wing, equal in size but opposite in direction. This force manifests itself as differing air pressures at different points on the surface of the wing.
A region of lower-than-normal air pressure is generated over the top surface of the wing, with a higher pressure existing on the bottom of the wing. These air pressure differences can be either measured directly using instrumentation or they can be calculated from the airspeed distribution using basic physical principles, including Bernoulli's Principle which relates changes in air speed to changes in air pressure.
The lower air pressure on the top of the wing generates a smaller downward force on the top of the wing than the upward force generated by the higher air pressure on the bottom of the wing. Hence, a net upward force acts on the wing. This force is called the "lift" generated by the wing.
The different velocities of the air passing by the wing, the air pressure differences, the change in direction of the airflow, and the lift on the wing are intrinsically one phenomenon. It is, therefore, possible to calculate lift from any of the other three. For example, the lift can be calculated from the pressure differences, or from different velocities of the air above and below the wing, or from the total momentum change of the deflected air. There are other approaches in fluid dynamics to solving these problems. All of these approaches will result in the same answers if done correctly. Given a particular wing and its velocity through the air, debates over which mathematical approach is the most convenient to use can be misperceived by novices as differences of opinion about the basic principles of flight

Wing construction is basically the same in all types of aircraft. Most modern aircraft have all metal wings, but many older aircraft had wood and fabric wings. Ailerons and flaps will be studied later in this chapter.

To maintain its all-important aerodynamic shape, a wing must be designed and built to hold its shape even under extreme stress. Basically, the wing is a framework composed chiefly of spars, ribs, and (possibly) stringers.

Three systems are used to determine how wings are attached to the aircraft fuselage depending on the strength of a wing's internal structure. The strongest wing structure is the full cantilever which is attached directly to the fuselage and does not have any type of external, stress-bearing structures. The semi-cantilever usually has one, or perhaps two, supporting wires or struts attached to each wing and the fuselage. The externally braced wing is typical of the biplane (two wings placed one above the other) with its struts and flying and landing wires.


Wing structure consists of the following components: -
·        Spars
·        Ribs
·        Stringers
·        External structure
·        Upper skin
·        Lower skin
A Wing structure should posses the following factors: -
·        Sufficient strength
·        Stiffness
·        Light weight
·        Minimum manufacturing problems

Spars are the main members of the wing. They extend lengthwise of the wing (crosswise of the fuselage). The entire load carried by the wing is ultimately taken by the spars. In flight, the force of the air acts against the skin. From the skin, this force is transmitted to the ribs and then to the spars.
Most wing structures have two spars, the front spar and the rear spar. The front spar is found near the leading edge while the rear spar is about two-thirds the distance to the trailing edge. Depending on the design of the flight loads, some of the all-metal wings have as many as five spars. In addition to the main spars, there is a short structural member which is called an aileron spar.
·        Spars are of two types namely        
o   Shear web
o   Truss type

The ribs are the parts of a wing which support the covering and provide the airfoil shape. These ribs are called forming ribs. and their primary purpose is to provide shape. Some may have an additional purpose of bearing flight stress, and these are called compression ribs.
                   The most simple wing structures will be found on light civilian aircraft. High-stress type of military aircraft will have the most complex and strongest wing structure.       

Wing skin panel gives the wing its shape. Carries loads such as Bending and shear loads. It should also carry torsion loads caused by control surfaces and other features attached to the wing
It creates walls for the wing mounted fuel tanks
Leading edge consists of Ribs, Slats, Skin, Plenum beam, Piccolo tube, Clips.  The structural member running across the leading edge is called as the nose cone.

Stringers are stiffening members in the wing which run from root to the tip. Stringers are made from forming or extrusion.

EXTRUSION TYPE                      FORMING TYPE

Wing configuration
Lifting body - Relies on air flow over the fuselage to provide lift.
Powered lift - Relies on downward thrust from the engines to stay airborne.
Monoplane – Means one wing. Most airplanes have been monoplanes since before the Second World War. The wing may be mounted at various heights relative to the fuselage:
Low wing - mounted on the lower fuselage.
Mid wing - mounted approximately half way up the fuselage.
High wing- mounted on the upper fuselage.
Shoulder wing - a high wing mounted on the upper part of the main fuselage (as opposed to mounting on the cockpit fairing or similar).
Parasol wing - mounted on "cabane" struts above the fuselage.

" "
             Low wing

                    " "
                    Mid wing

           " "                         " "         
                   Shoulder wing                                              High wing

A fixed wing aircraft may have more than one wing plane, stacked one above another:
Biplane - two planes of approximately equal size stacked one above the other. The most common type until the 1930s, when the cantilever monoplane took over.
Sesquiplane - literally "one-and-a-half planes" is a variant on the biplane in which the lower wing is significantly smaller than the upper wing.
Inverted sesquiplane - has a significantly smaller upper wing.

" "
Parasol wing
" "

" "
" "
                            Sesquiplane                        Inverted sesquiplane

Classification by Wing support
To support itself a wing has to be rigid and strong and consequently may be heavy. By adding external bracing, the weight can be greatly reduced. Originally such bracing was always present, but it causes a large amount of drag at higher speeds and has not been used for faster designs since the early 1930s.
The types are:
Cantilevered – They are self-supporting. All the structure is buried under the aerodynamic skin, giving a clean appearance with low drag.
Braced: the wings are supported by external structural members. Nearly all multi-plane designs are braced. Some monoplanes, especially early designs such as the Fokker Eindecker, are also braced to save weight. Braced wings are of two types:
Strut braced - one or more stiff struts help to support the wing. A strut may act in compression or tension at different points in the flight regime.
Wire braced - alone, or in addition to struts, tension wires also help to support the wing. Unlike a strut, a wire can act only in tension.

" "

" "
Strut braced

" "
Wire braced

Wings can also be characterized as:
Rigid - stiff enough to maintain the aerofoil profile in varying conditions of airflow.
Flexible - usually a thin membrane. Requires external bracing or wind pressure to maintain the aerofoil shape. Common types include Rogallo wings and kites.

Classification by Wing plan form
The wing plan form is the silhouette of the wing when viewed from above or below.
 Aspect ratio
The aspect ratio is the span divided by the mean or average chord. It is a measure of how long and slender the wing appears when seen from above or below.
Low aspect ratio - short and stubby wing. More efficient structurally, more maneuverable and with less drag at high speeds. They tend to be used by fighter aircraft, such as the Lockheed F-104 Starfighter, and by very high-speed aircraft (e.g. North American X-15).
Moderate aspect ratio - general-purpose wing (e.g. the Lockheed P-80 Shooting Star).
High aspect ratio - long and slender wing. More efficient aerodynamically, having less drag, at low speeds. They tend to be used by high-altitude subsonic aircraft (e.g. the Lockheed U-2), subsonic airliners (e.g. the Bombardier Dash 8) and by high-performance sailplanes (e.g. Glaser-Dirks DG-500).

" "
Low aspect ratio
" "
       Moderate aspect ratio
" "
High aspect ratio

Most Variable geometry configurations vary the aspect ratio in some way, either deliberately or as a side effect.

Classification by Wing sweep
Wings may be swept forwards or back for a variety of reasons. A small degree of sweep is sometimes used to adjust the centre of lift when the wing cannot be attached in the ideal position for some reason, such as a pilot's visibility from the cockpit. Other uses are described below.
Straight – It extends at right angles to the line of flight, the most efficient structurally, and common for low-speed designs, such as the P-80 Shooting Star.
Swept back - (references to "swept" often assume swept back). From the root, the wing angles backwards towards the tip. In early tailless examples, such as the Dunne aircraft, this allowed the outer wing section to act as a conventional tail empennage to provide aerodynamic stability. At transonic speeds swept wings have lower drag, but can handle badly in or near a stall and require high stiffness to avoid aeroelasticity at high speeds. Common on high-subsonic and supersonic designs e.g. the English Electric Lightning.
Forward swept - the wing angles forwards from the root. Benefits are similar to backwards sweep, also at significant angles of sweep it avoids the stall problems and has reduced tip losses allowing a smaller wing, but requires even greater stiffness and for this reason is not often used. A civil example is the HFB-320 Hansa Jet and in military Sukhoi Su-47.
Swing-wing - also called "variable sweep wing". The left and right hand wings vary their sweep together, usually backwards. Seen in a few types of combat aircraft, the first being the General Dynamics F-111. Another is the Grumman F-14.
Oblique wing - a single full-span wing pivots about its midpoint, so that one side sweeps back and the other side sweeps forward. Flown on the NASA AD-1 research aircraft.

" "
" "
" "
      Forward swept

                                    " "                                        " "
                                            Oblique wing                                                                Swing wing

Classification by Plan form variation along span
The wing chord may be varied along the span of the wing, for both structural and aerodynamic reasons.
Constant chord - leading & trailing edges are parallel. Simple to make, and common where low cost is important, e.g. in the Short Skyvan.
Elliptical - wing edges are parallel at the root, and curve smoothly inwards to a rounded tip, with no division between the edges and the tip. Aerodynamically the most efficient, but difficult to make. Famously used on the super marine Spitfire.
Tapered - wing narrows towards the tip, with straight edges. Structurally and aerodynamically more efficient than a constant chord wing, and easier to make than the elliptical type. One of the most common types of all, as on the Hawker Sea Hawk.
Reverse tapered - wing widens towards the tip. Structurally very inefficient, leading to high weight. Flown experimentally on the XF-91 Thunderceptor in an attempt to overcome the stall problems of swept wings.
Compound tapered - taper reverses towards the root, to increase visibility for the pilot. Typically needs to be braced to maintain stiffness. The Westland Lysander was an observation aircraft.
Trapezoidal - a low aspect ratio tapered wing, having little or no sweep such that the leading edge sweeps back and the trailing edge sweeps forwards. Used for example on the Lockheed F-22 Raptor.

" "
Constant chord
" "
" "

" "
Reverse tapered
" "
Compound tapered
" "
Delta - triangular planform with swept leading edge and straight trailing edge. Offers the advantages of a swept wing, with good structural efficiency. Variants are:
Tailless delta - a classic high-speed design, used for example in the widely built Dassault Mirage III series.
Tailed delta - adds a conventional tailplane, to improve handling. Popular on Soviet types such as the Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21.
Cropped delta - tip is cut off. This helps avoid tip drag at high angles of attack. At the extreme, merges into the "tapered swept" configuration.
Compound delta or double delta - inner section has a (usually) steeper leading edge sweep e.g. Saab Draken. This improves the lift at high angles of attack and delays or prevents stalling. They are seen in tailless form on the Tupolev Tu-144. The HAL Tejas has an inner section of reduced sweep.
Ogival delta - A smoothly blended "wineglass" double-curve encompassing the leading edges and tip of a cropped compound delta. They are seen in tailless form on the Concorde supersonic transports.
" "
Tailless delta
" "
Tailed delta
" "
Cropped delta

" "       
Compound delta
  " "
  Ogival delta

The angle of sweep may also be varied, or cranked, along the span:
Cranked arrow - similar to a compound delta, but with the trailing edge also kinked inwards. Trialed experimentally on the General Dynamics F-16XL.
M-wing - the inner wing section sweeps forward, and the outer section sweeps backwards. The idea has been studied from time to time, but no example has ever been built.
W-wing - the inner wing section sweeps back, and the outer section sweeps forwards. The reverse of the M-wing. The idea has been studied even less than the M-wing and no example has ever been built.
" "
" "
             Cranked arrow

" "
" "

Dihedral and Anhedral
Angling the wings up or down span wise from root to tip can help to resolve various design issues, such as stability and control in flight.
Dihedral - the tips are higher than the root as on the Boeing 737, giving a shallow 'V' shape when seen from the front. It adds lateral stability.
Anhedral - the tips are lower than the root, as on the Ilyushin Il-76; the opposite of dihedral. Used to reduce stability where some other feature results in too much stability thus making maneuvering difficult. A popular choice in modern fighters since the configuration makes them more agile in battle. In level flight, computers assist the pilot in preventing the plane from teetering about.

" "

" "
Some biplanes had different angles of dihedral / anhedral on different wings; e.g. the first Short Sporting Type, known as the Shrimp, had a flat upper wing and a slight dihedral on the lower wing.
The dihedral angle may vary along the span.
Gull wing - sharp dihedral on the wing root section, little or none on the main section, as on the Göppingen 3 glider. Typically done to raise wing-mounted engines higher above the ground or water.
Inverted gull - anhedral on the root section, dihedral on the main section. The opposite of a gull wing. Typically done to reduce the length and weight of wing-mounted undercarriage legs. Two well-known examples of the inverted gull wing are World War II's American F4U Corsair, and the German Junkers Ju 87 Stuka dive bomber.

" "
Gull wing
" "
Inverted gull wing

Wings vs. bodies
Some designs have no clear join between wing and fuselage, or body. This may be because one or other of these is missing, or because they merge into each other:
Flying wing - the aircraft has no distinct fuselage or tail empennage (although fins and small pods, blisters, etc. may be present); one example is the B-2 Spirit.
Blended body or blended wing-body - smooth transition between wing and fuselage, with no hard dividing line. Reduces wetted area and hence, if done correctly, aerodynamic drag. The McDonnell XP-67 Bat was also designed to maintain the aerofoil section across the entire aircraft profile.
Lifting body - the aircraft has no significant wings, and relies on the fuselage to provide aerodynamic lift i.e. X-24 .
" "
" "

" "
" "

Some proposed designs, typically a sharply-swept delta planform having a deep centre section tapering to a thin outer section, fall across these categories and may be interpreted in different ways, for example as a lifting body with a broad fuselage, or as a low-aspect-ratio flying wing with a deep center chord.

Variable chord
Variable incidence - the wing plane can tilt upwards or downwards relative to the fuselage. Used on the Vought F-8 Crusader to tilt the leading edge up by a small amount for takeoff, to give STOL performance. If powered prop rotors are fitted to the wing to allow vertical takeoff or STOVL performance, merges into the powered lift category.
Variable camber - the leading and trailing edge sections of the wing pivot and/or extend to increase the effective camber and/or area of the wing. This increases lift at low angles of attack, delays stalling at high angles of attack, and enhances maneuverability.
Variable thickness - the upper wing centre section can be raised to increase wing thickness and camber for landing and take-off, and lowered for high speed flight. Charles Rocheville modified one or more aircraft in the course of his researches.

" "
Variable incidence
" "
Variable camber
  " "
Variable thickness

Minor aerodynamic surfaces
Additional minor aerodynamic surfaces may form part of the overall wing configuration:
Winglet - a small vertical fin at the wingtip usually turned upwards. Reduces the size of vortices shed by the wingtip, and hence also tip drag.
Chine - narrow extension to the leading edge wing root, extending far along the forward fuselage. As well as improving low speed (high angle of attack) handling, provides extra lift at supersonic speeds for minimal increase in drag. Seen on the Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird.
Moustache - small high-aspect-ratio canard surface having no movable control surface. Typically is retractable for high speed flight. Deflects air downward onto the wing root, to delay the stall. Seen on the Dassault Milan and Tupolev Tu-144.
Minor surface features
Additional minor features may be applied to an existing aerodynamic surface such as the main wing:
Leading edge extensions of various kinds.
Slot - a span wise gap behind the leading edge section, which forms a small aerofoil or slat extending along the leading edge of the wing. Air flowing through the slot is deflected by the slat to flow over the wing, allowing the aircraft to fly at lower air speeds. Leading edge slats are moveable extensions which open and close the slot.
Flap - trailing-edge (or leading-edge) wing section which may be angled downwards for low-speed flight, especially when landing. Some types also extend backwards to increase wing area.
Wing fence - a thin surface extending along the wing chord and for a short distance vertically. Used to control spanwise airflow over the wing.
Vortex generator - small triangular protrusion on the upper leading wing surface; usually, several are spaced along the span of the wing. The vortices are used to re-energize the boundary layer and reduce drag.
Anti-shock body - a streamlined "pod" shaped body added to the leading or trailing edge of an aerodynamic surface, to delay the onset of shock stall and reduce transonic wave drag. Examples include the Küchemann carrots on the wing trailing edge of the Handley Page Victor B.2, and the tail fairing on the Hawker Sea Hawk.
Fairings of various kinds, such as blisters, pylons and wingtip pods, containing equipment which cannot fit inside the wing, and whose only aerodynamic purpose is to reduce the drag created by the equipment.

Wing skeleton
The wing skeleton is nothing but the arrangement of various structural members in an orderly fashion in order the wing gets its aerodynamic profile and most importantly the structural loading arrangement. The pictorial representation of certain wing skeletons are shown as below.
Airfoil geometry can be characterized by the coordinates of the upper and lower surface. It is often summarized by a few parameters such as: maximum thickness, maximum camber, position of max thickness, position of max camber, and nose radius. One can generate a reasonable airfoil section given these parameters. This was done by Eastman Jacobs in the early 1930's to create a family of airfoils known as the NACA Sections.

The NACA 4 digit and 5 digit airfoils were created by superimposing a simple mean line shape with a thickness distribution that was obtained by fitting a couple of popular airfoils of the time:

y = ±(t/0.2) * (.2969*x0.5
 - .126*x - .3537*x2 + .2843*x3 - .1015*x4) 

The camber line of 4-digit sections was defined as a parabola from the leading edge to the position of maximum camber, then another parabola back to the trailing edge.

NACA 4-Digit Series:
4            4          12
    Max camber  Position       max thickness
   in % chord  of max camber  in % of chord
                                 In 1/10 of c
After the 4-digit sections came the 5-digit sections such as the famous NACA 23012. These sections had the same thickness distribution, but used a camberline with more curvature near the nose. A cubic was faired into a straight line for the 5-digit sections.
NACA 5-Digit Series:

2            30         12
Max thickness in 2/100 of c
Position of max camber in % chord
Approx max Camber

The 6-series of NACA airfoils departed from this simply-defined family. These sections were generated from a more or less prescribed pressure distribution and were meant to achieve some laminar flow.

NACA 6-Digit Series:
6       3,             2            -      2        1      2
Six-    location       half width       ideal Cl   max thickness
Series  of min Cp      of low drag      in tenths  in % of chord
       in 1/10                chord  bucket    in 1/10 of Cl

After the six-series sections, airfoil design became much more specialized for the particular application. Airfoils with good transonic performance, good maximum lift capability, very thick sections and very low drag sections are now designed for each use. Often a wing design begins with the definition of several airfoil sections and then the entire geometry is modified based on its 3-dimensional characteristics.

The supercritical airfoil, below, maintains a lower Mach number over its upper surface than the conventional airfoil, above, which induces a weaker shock.
supercritical airfoil is an airfoil designed, primarily, to delay the onset of wave drag in the transonic speed range. Supercritical airfoils are characterized by their flattened upper surface, highly cambered (curved) aft section, and greater leading edge radius compared with traditional airfoil shapes. The supercritical airfoils were designed in the 1960s, by then NASA engineer Richard Whitcomb, and were first tested on theTF-8A Crusader. While the design was initially developed as part of the supersonic transport (SST) project at NASA, it has since been mainly applied to increase the fuel efficiency of many high subsonic aircraft. The supercritical airfoil shape is incorporated into the design of a supercritical wing. Research in 1940 by Deutsche Versuchsanstalt für Luftfahrt's K. A. Kawalki led to subsonic profiles very similar to the supercritical profiles, which was the basis for the objection in 1984 against the US-patent specification for the supercritical airfoil.

Wing tip vortices
Wingtip vortices are tubes of circulating air that are left behind a wing as it generates lift. One wingtip vortex trails from the tip of each wing. The cores of vortices spin at very high speed and are regions of very low pressure. To first approximation, these low-pressure regions form with little exchange of heat with the neighboring regions (i.e., adiabatically), so the local temperature in the low-pressure regions drops, too. If it drops below the local dew point, there results a condensation of water vapor present in the cores of wingtip vortices, making them visible. The temperature may even drop below the local freezing point, in which case ice crystals will form inside the cores.
Wingtip vortices are associated with induced drag, an unavoidable side-effect of the wing generating lift. Managing induced drag and wingtip vortices by selecting the best wing planform for the mission is critically important in aerospace engineering.

There are many factors which influence the amount of aerodynamic lift which a body generates. Lift depends on the shape, size, inclination, and flow conditions of the air passing the object. For a three dimensional wing, there is an additional effect on lift, called downwash, which will be discussed on this page.
For a lifting wing, the air pressure on the top of the wing is lower than the pressure below the wing. Near the tips of the wing, the air is free to move from the region of high pressure into the region of low pressure. As the aircraft moves to the lower left, a pair of counter-rotating vortices is formed at the wing tips. The lines marking the center of the vortices are shown as blue vortex lines leading from the wing tips. If the atmosphere has very high humidity, you can sometimes see the vortex lines on an airliner during landing as long thin "clouds" leaving the wing tips. The wing tip vortices produce a downwash of air behind the wing which is very strong near the wing tips and decreases toward the wing root. The local angle of attack of the wing is increased by the flow induced by the downwash, giving an additional, downstream-facing, component to the aerodynamic force acting over the entire wing. The downstream component of the force is called induced drag because it faces downstream and has been "induced" by the action of the tip vortices. The lift near the wing tips is defined to be perpendicular to the local flow. The local flow is at a greater angle of attack than the free stream flow because of the induced flow. Resolving the tip lift back to the free stream reference produces a reduction in the lift coefficient of the entire wing.
General design procedure:
The general steps involved in the conceptual design calculations are:
ü Finding maximum Lift co efficient CL MAX
ü Finding Reynolds no
ü Selection of airfoil
ü Wing selection
1.     chord at the root section(c ROOT)
2.     chord at tip (c TIP)
3.     mean aerodynamic centre (ĉ)
4.     aerodynamic centre
5.     distance from mean aerodynamic centre chord from fuselage (Ŷ)
6.     selection of dihedral angle and wing incidence
7.     wet area calculation
8.     Finding drag co efficient (CD)
Step1: Finding maximum Lift co efficient CL MAX

 In order to find Lift force,
L = C l max *.5 * ρ * s * (V stall)2   ---- (1)
   ρ – Density
   s – Wing area
   V stall – stalling speed
And C l max – maximum lift co efficient.
But for steady for flight condition,
L=W ------- (2)
Therefore the equation (1) becomes,
W=C l max *.5*ρ*s* (V stall) 2
Therefore, to find C l max
C l max= 2(w/s) / (ρ*Vstall2)
The wing loading, W/S= 265kg/m2
At an altitude of 9000m,
Density, ρ =.4663kg/m3, Stalling speed, 
The stalling speed shall not exceed beyond 50knots for trainer aircrafts (Reference from the book aircraft design by raymer)
(i.e) V stall = 31.1m/s
Now substituting V stall on C l max, we get,
C l max = (265*2)/(.4663*31.12)
C l max = 1.21

We know that,
Re = (ρ*v*l)/µ -------- (3)
Where, Density, ρ = .4663
V = 31.1 m/s
Chord, I = Span / Aspect ratio = 9.55 / 5.12 = 1.86m
Dynamic viscosity, µ= 14.35 * 10 -6 Kg / ms
Thus, Re = (.4663*31.1*1.86) / (14.35*10-6)
Re = 4.33*106

From the obtained values of coefficient of lift and Reynold’ s number, we can determine the type of aerofoil for the design.
From the book THEORY OF WING SECTIONS BY ABBOT, Using the graph the aerofoil can be selected. Thus the selection of aerofoil is,

NACA 4408

Performance parameters

Wing is the part of the aircraft, which produces lift force to the aircraft and in trainer aircrafts it provide for fuel storage and landing gear alignments. Generally the tapered wing the chord length of the aerofoil is not the same in root and tip.
C root = (2s) / [b*(1+λ)] -------- (4)
   b - wing span
   λ – taper ratio 
S = w TO / (W/S)        (w TO = Take off weight)
S = 4600 / 265 = 17.35 m2
 b = (Aspect ratio* span)1/2
 b = (9* 17.35).5 = 9.5 m
λ = 0.5 (For trainer aircrafts, )
Therefore, C root = (2*17.35) / [9.5*(1+0.5)]
CROOT = 2.12 m

Step 2: CHORD AT TIP (C tip)
C tip = c root * λ ------ (5)
C tip = 5.32 * 0.5
 C tip = 1.06 m


Ĉ = (2/3) * C root * (1+λ +λ2) / (1+λ) -------- (6)
Ĉ = (2/3) * 2.12 * (1+0.5+0.25) / (1+0.5)
Ĉ = 1.648 m

A/D centre = 0.25 * Ĉ --------- (7)
A/D centre = 0.25 * 1.648m
A/D centre = 0.412 M

Ŷ = [b * (1+2λ) *(1+ λ)] / 6 ------- (8)
Ŷ = [9.5*(1+(2*0.5)) * (1+0.5)] / 6
Ŷ = 4.75 m


(1) The dihedral angle = 5 degrees. (Dihedral angle is the upward angle from horizontal of the wings or tail plane of a fixed-wing aircraft)
(2) Wing incidence = 1 degree.
The above parameters can be assumed (Reference from the book aircraft design by raymer)

S wet = S – S ref   ---------- (9)
Where, S = 17.35 m2
S ref = Root Chord * Fuselage Diameter = 2.12 * 1.2
S ref = 2.54 m2
Thus, S wet = 17.35 – 2.54 = 14.806 m2
Where, (CL) 2 / *(π *e* AR) ----------- (10)
Efficiency e = 0.8
AR = 5.12
CL = 1.21
(CL) 2 / *(π *e* AR) = (1.21)2 / (π *0.8*9)
= 0. 089
CD = CDO + [(CL) 2 / (π *e* AR)] ----------- (11)
= 0.0091 + 0.089
                                               CD = 0.0981
Thus the drag is calculated now,
D = (1/2) * ρ * V2 * S * CD ----------- (12)
D = (1/2) * .4663 * 31.12 * 17.35 * 0.0981
Therefore the total drag, D = 387 N

Tapered-slight swept wing
NACA 4408

With the above derivatives the CAD modeling using CATIAV5 R20 can be done.
Some of the tools used in the CATIA to create the CAD model are,
i)                   Sketcher tools
ii)                Operations
iii)              Constraints
iv)              Sketch based features
v)                View, measure and workbench
vi)              Reference elements
vii)           Surfaces etc.,
Below are some of the CAD modeled views of the wing structure.


Orthogonal view

Thus the necessary literature survey on the wing structures and its types is learnt and with the essential parameters and requirements the conceptual design is carried out and the geometrical CAD model of the wing was drafted. The following table gives the specification of the wing.


Tapered-slight swept wing
NACA 4408


ü Aircraft performance and design by J. Anderson
ü Aircraft design by Raymer
ü Aircraft design by Rosakkam
ü Theory of wing sections by Abbott
